About the Animal Health Planning System

What is SAHPS?

It is a user friendly, web based, health planning system which allows farmers and their veterinary surgeons to manage flock and herd health and production.

A health plan must be an effective record of the action points agreed between vet and farm client to drive the health management of the flock or herd. The challenge has been to create a format that is easy to access and to update with data that allows on-going review and therefore effective decision making. Scottish Government fully funded the development of the SAHPS to support and promote Farm Health Planning.

SAHPS provides online collaboration between vet, farmer and consultant. All parties can enter information, resulting in a central data set which is readily accessed and easily reviewed. This process highlights areas where intervention is required to optimise herd and flock health and productivity. It then provides a medium for farmers, vets and consultants to plan and monitor agreed interventions. In addition, the system also facilitates the benchmarking process, allowing Key Performance Indicators to be compared with similar enterprises.

SAHPS has been funded by The Scottish Government  and created by SRUC Veterinary Service

Key Functions of SAHPS

  • Allows you to create a tailored and concise, yet comprehensive health plan.
  • View and compare production and disease data year on year.
  • Compare performance with similar enterprises locally and nationally.
  • View a farm calendar of forthcoming events for your enterprise(s).

Please see the list of full features of SAHPS on our features page.

How do I access SAHPS?

If you would like further information regarding access and use of the system please get in touch via the Contact Us link in the footer of the website.

User Feedback

Our development priorities will be guided by you. Your feedback and suggestions are therefore very important to us. Please get in touch via the Contact Us link in the footer of the website.

The Scottish Government (TSG)
SRUC Veterinary Services